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Customizing the calendar

Changing the calendar timezone

By default, calendar events are displayed in your app’s timezone as specified under timezone in config/app.php.

As of version 1.5, you can override this by implementing the timezone() method in your CalendarDataProvider.

To hardcode the timezone:

public function timezone(): string
    return 'Europe/Lisbon';

To set the calendar timezone on a per-user basis:

public function timezone(): string
    return $this->request->user()->timezone;

This example assumes the user has a timezone attribute.

As you can see, you can rely on the internal request attribute to get to the user.

Adding badges to calendar day cells

In your CalendarDataProvider, implement the customizeCalendarDay() method as follows:

protected function customizeCalendarDay(CalendarDay $day) : CalendarDay
    if($day->start->format('d') % 2 == 0)
    return $day;

As badges, you could use any combination of short words or single letters, symbols or even emoji 🤯 to make certain calendar days stand out visually.

You can add tooltips to calendar day badges to show more details to the user. Simply supply a second string argument to the addBadge method:

protected function customizeCalendarDay(CalendarDay $day) : CalendarDay
    if($day->start->format('d') % 2 == 0)
        $day->addBadge('even', 'the opposite of odd');
        $day->addBadge('odd', 'the opposite of even');
    return $day;

You can use html in badges and their tooltips, so you can use mark-up or include hero icons using svg tags:

    // Html mark-up
    $day->addBadge($count .'/<b>' .$total .'</b>', 'This is an <u>estimate</u>');
    // Hero icon
    $day->addBadge('<svg xmlns="" style="display:inline-block" class="h-6 w-6" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M7 8h10M7 12h4m1 8l-4-4H5a2 2 0 01-2-2V6a2 2 0 012-2h14a2 2 0 012 2v8a2 2 0 01-2 2h-3l-4 4z" /></svg>');

Changing the calendar URI

By default, the calendar is exposed to your end users under the laravelwebdev/nova-calendar URI. To change the URI, publish the config file and set the uri option to the URI of your choice.

Changing the default menu icon and label

In your NovaServiceProvider, update the tools() method as follows:

public function tools()
    return [
        (new NovaCalendar)->withMenuLabel('Label')->withMenuIcon('HeroIcon'),

Changing the first day of the week

In your calendar data provider, implement the initialize method and make a call to startWeekOn() to let the weeks start on the day of your choice. You can use the constants defined in NovaCalendar to specify the day.

For example, to start your weeks on wednesday:

use Laravelwebdev\NovaCalendar\NovaCalendar;

public function initialize(): void

Adding events from other sources

If the events you want to show don’t have a related Nova resource, you can still add them to the calendar. In your calendar data provider, implement the nonNovaEvents method to push any kind of event data you want to the frontend.

The method should return an array of Event objects:

use Laravelwebdev\NovaCalendar\Event;

protected function nonNovaEvents() : array
    return [
        (new Event("Now until tomorrow", now(), now()->addDays(1)))
            ->withNotes('This is a dynamically created event')

If you are going to return a long list of events here, or do a request to an external service, you can use the startOfCalendar() and endOfCalendar() methods inherited from Laravelwebdev\NovaCalendar\DataProvider\AbstractDataProvider to limit the scope of your event generation to the date range that is currently being requested by the frontend.

Any events you return here that fall outside that date range are never displayed, so it’s a waste of your and your users’ resources if you still generate them.

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